Sign Up For Social Platforms That Are Not Censored

An uncensored social platform will allow you to share controversial and thought-provoking posts without needing to be concerned that your posts will be suppressed. If the platform that you currently use has been disappointing you lately, due to the strict posting rules that are being imposed, explore some uncensored sites to use as alternatives.

Platform Types

Consider how you currently use social platforms. If you enjoy watching videos or reading occasional posts that people share through networking sites, you may be inclined to use a comparable platform that will allow you to do both of these things but that will also allow you to create content of your own that can be shared with an audience.

Social networking, image sharing, video hosting, and discussion sites provide users with an open-ended way to stay informed and entertained. Review the signup requirements for any sites that are of interest. You may need to verify your phone number or email prior to being granted access to each of the platforms.

Community Guidelines

It may take you a while to get used to using some alternate sites. The layout of each site will be unique, and there may be various functions that you will need to review, prior to preparing a typed post or a video. Read the community guidelines that are furnished through each platform.

Even though most content types will be accepted through an uncensored platform, there may be some rules regarding profanity, nudity, and threatening comments. Sharing content that could be offensive to others or make users feel uncomfortable could cause you to get banned from a particular site. 

Usage Tips

Think about some of the topics that you are passionate about. Some platforms may feature a wide range of groups that are geared toward various interests. Join a couple of the groups that you find appealing. If you have family and friends who previously used the same social platform as you, you may want to invite them to join you on some of the alternate sites. Send an invite link to each of the people who you would like to join you on one of the uncensored platforms.

Once you have created a friend list on each uncensored platform that you have joined, scroll through the posts and videos that others have shared. The content that you view may inspire you to share something that is similar or to leave comments for some of the people who have posted.

Look into uncensored social platforms such as Friend Space to learn more.
